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Claim Your Tax Credits

Everyone should file a tax return, even if you’re not required to, and here’s why: money from tax credits is available; you just need to claim it.

Our team of volunteer tax professionals cares about your financial wellbeing. We are not the IRS. We are experts who are here to help you, at no cost to you, ever.

When you book an appointment with us you’ll work with a real person who will help you claim all of the tax credits you can.

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Every year Michiganders leave thousands of dollars on the table. This is your money, claim it!

  • Our tax experts can help you receive tax credits including:
    Home Heating Credit, for Michigan homeowners or renters to help ease heating costs
    Homestead Property Tax Credit, for homeowners and renters who make less than $60,600
    Earned Income Tax Credit, for working families and individuals
    Child Tax Credit, a federal credit for families with children under 18 years old
    Child and Dependant Care Credit, a federal credit to help ease childcare costs
    Educational Tax Credits and Deductions, for taxpayers or their dependents who are attending college

A full list of credits can be viewed here, or you can simply meet with our expert tax professionals and they’ll determine what you qualify for.