At Metro Community Development, we care deeply for our community and clients. Below are some general shopping tips to aid you through the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Organize your shopping list before you go in: Order the items on your list so that you are following the order of the aisles to reduce time in the store.
- Wipe down the shopping cart or wear gloves: Many stores have sanitizing wipes available, but another option is to wear a pair of latex gloves.
- Leave the Family at home: Makes social distancing easier, and reduces possible, unnecessary exposure to the virus.
- Maintain your 6-foot bubble: Maintain a 6-foot distance from other shoppers, while in aisle, and at the checkouts.
- Keep your hands clean while shopping: Use hand-sanitizer when possible and avoid touching your face.
- Grab items from back of the shelf: Items in the back likely haven’t been handled as much, so there’s less chance of exposure.
Meat & Protein
- Whole chickens are much less expensive than precut chickens and can provide multiple meals.
- Canned meats and fish are shelf-stable, affordable options for recipes.
- Non-traditional proteins like canned or dry beans/peas.
- Eggs and cheese are great sources of protein that have an extended refrigeration time and lower prices.
Bread & Grains
- Store bread in the freezer to maintain freshness.
Combine pasta with vegetables and protein for budget-friendly and filling meals.
Be creative with oatmeal and baking supplies you may already have on hand.
Fruits & Vegetables
- Frozen fruits and vegetables are flash-frozen, cheaper, and can be used the same as fresh.
- Fruits canned in their own juice are another great shelf-stable option.
- Onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, apples, & oranges are good options for longer shelf life.
Dairy & Cheese
- Buy yogurt in bulk and serve in a bowl to cut down on costs.
- Freeze milk to extend life.
- Use dry milk in any recipe calling for milk.