The Benefits of Changing the Air Filter in Your Home
Have you changed your home’s air filter lately? A dirty filter can increase your energy costs. That is why maintaining a clean air filter is important. Dust and debris in the filter can slow down the flow of air, forcing your heating or cooling system to work overtime just to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. No doubt about it. A dirty filter wastes energy and adds to your utility bills. Here are some benefits of changing the air filter in your home:
15% Savings on Energy Costs
Heating and air conditioning make up nearly half of the energy costs in a typical U.S. home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a clogged filter causes heating systems to use 15 percent more energy. When the HVAC air filter is working harder more energy is being used and your energy bill increases. The Department of Energy says the average household spends about $2,220 a year on their energy bill. When you consistently change your air filter you can save from 5%-15% on your utility costs.
Changing your filter once a month only takes a few minutes and provides a big return for a small investment. When you consider the benefits, it just makes sense; energy savings, less maintenance, and a healthier, more comfortable indoor environment.
Take note that certain types of filters need less frequent replacement. Media air filters, for example, have a high capacity and only need to be replaced once per year. Check manufacturer guidelines for filter maintenance recommendations.

Other Benefits of a Clean Air Filter
Extends the Life of Your HVAC Unit
Changing your HVAC filter will extend the life of your furnace, reduce energy bills and improve indoor air quality. The most common reason a heating and air conditioning system breaks down is because of a dirty filter; As dirt accumulates air can’t pass and the system can overheat. Replacing the filter is an easy way to lengthen the life of your heating system.
Lower Maintenance Costs
The dust and dirt that bypass a clogged filter can land on system components. This not only reduces system performance but can increase maintenance costs as well. It costs far more to pay a qualified professional to clean your system than it does to change a filter.
Healthy Air Quality
If anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma this can be important. Dust and debris from a dirty filter can recirculate back into your home. This can cause health issues for those with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. If you have pets, it’s even more important because pet dander will accumulate in the system and then spread allergens throughout the house. The right air filter can help to correct this problem.
Increased Comfort
Fans push air through the filter. If the filter becomes too clogged, the blower has to strain harder to move the air. With the reduced airflow, you may experience hot or cold spots in your home.
More Tips to Save on Energy
- Have your heating and cooling system inspected by a qualified professional once a year.
- Install a programmable thermostat that will automatically adjust home temperatures based on your schedule.
- Seal windows and doors with caulk and weatherstripping.
- Hire a qualified contractor or energy auditor to check the insulation levels in your home.
If your heating or cooling system is more than 15 years old or it requires frequent repair, consider replacing it with an ENERGY STAR® qualified unit. ENERGY STAR certified heating and cooling systems are more energy-efficient than standard models.

Interested in Saving Even More?
Check out DTE’s Home Energy Efficiency Kit. You may qualify for a FREE Home Energy Efficiency Kit that includes easy-to-install, energy-saving products that help you save on your energy bill.